Call for Abstract

International Conference on Pediatrics, Child Health and Emergency Care, will be organized around the theme “Betterment towards Pediatrics during the COVID-19”

Euro Pediatrics Health 2020 is comprised of 13 tracks and 45 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Pediatrics Health 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pediatrics is the principle part of medication that manages the investigation of kids, newborn children, and young ones. A Pediatrician is commonly a doctor who produces preventive wellbeing conservation for sound young ones and restorative supervision for kids who are intensely or constantly sick. Clinical Pediatrics is the underlying activity in the investigation of Pediatrics sciences, which implies the investigation of medication identified with new born children, youngsters and teenagers and it calls attention to explicit kinds of diseases and wellbeing conditions in kids

Related conferences: Neonatology Congress | Pediatric Conferences | Neonatologists | Neonatal Medicine Conferences | Pediatric Care Events


  • Track 1-1General pediatric diseases
  • Track 1-2Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
  • Track 1-3Encopresis

Pediatric Cardiologists spend significant time in treating Congenital or acquired heart diseases in children and infants. Assessment and treatment may start with the foetus since heart issues can even be identified before birth. Cardiovascular catheterization is used to analyse or treat the Child's heart problems. Patients frequently present with complex symptomatic and therapeutic issues look for the assessment of Pediatric cardiologist. They treat children's sicknesses utilizing the least invasive techniques as possible Pediatric cardiology incorporate directing physical exams, Electrocardiography, and electrocardiograms on kids. They work with different specialists and attendants in diagnosing heart and vein inconsistencies and plan the best possible course of treatment. Pediatric Cardiology is regularly the foundation of expansive scholastic medicinal Centres and there are numerous divisions of high volume and high force.

Related societies Europe: Czech Neonatal Society; European academy of Pediatric societies; International Society for Social Pediatrics & Child Health; National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists; Neonatal Nurses Association UK

  • Track 2-1Heart malformations
  • Track 2-2Lung volume reduction surgery
  • Track 2-3Minimally invasive surgery

Pediatric Dermatology involves in children care (new born-adolescent) with skin disorders and/or diseases. In this Pediatric Dermatology, the hair and nails are as important as skin. The hair and nail are composed of keratin and may lead to some of the diseases which affect the skin and other organs as well. Some of the listed Pediatric dermatological disorders

  • Track 3-1Birthmarks
  • Track 3-2 Neonatal dermatoses
  • Track 3-3Congenital malformations of skin
  • Track 3-4Dermatoses: Metabolic, nutritional

Pediatric Neurology is the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric neurologists treat an array of issues related to seizures, delayed speech, headaches, head injuries, brain tumours, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, behavioural issues, autism, sleep problems, and much more. Pediatricians work both in hospitals, particularly those working in its subspecialties such as neonatology, and as primary care physicians.

Related Conferences: Neonatology Conference | Pediatric Congress | Neonatology Meetings | Neonatal Medicine Conferences

  • Track 4-1 Autism
  • Track 4-2 Epilepsy
  • Track 4-3Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Track 4-4Tourette Syndrome

Child abuse can also be said as child maltreatment, is the condition when a parent or caretaker whether by action or failure to act may cause injury, child death, and emotional harm or may a risk of serious effects to a child

Related societies Asia: Asia Pacific Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Society; International Association of Pediatric Dentistry; Asian Society for Pediatric research; Philippine Pediatric Society; International Association of Pediatric Dentistry

  • Track 5-1Psychological abuse
  • Track 5-2Child neglect
  • Track 5-3Prevention & treatment

Neonatology is a part of Pediatrics that arrangements with the untimely or sick new born children. It is a therapeutic and healing centre which incorporates dealing with the new conceived infants; it is generally practiced in neonatal Intensive care units. The principal patients of neonatologists are new born infants who are ill or require special medical care due to prematurity, low birth weight it can lead to host problems that require expert interventions. Practicing doctor in the area of neonatology is referred as Neonatologist

  • Track 6-1Neonatal Resuscitation
  • Track 6-2Neonatal Nursing
  • Track 6-3Neonatal Nursing

Child obesity has prompt and semi-permanent consequences for physical, social, and enthusiastic wellbeing. Young ones with stoutness are at higher danger of getting diverse constant wellbeing conditions and ailments that impact physical wellbeing. These grasp asthma assault, apnea, bone and joint issues, kind a couple of polygenic ailment, and hazard factors for cardiopathy children with avoirdupois square measure bullied and energized very their conventional weight companions and square measure a great deal of apparently to experience the ill effects of social disconnection, discouragement, and lower shallowness. In the long haul, a child with heftiness is bound to have corpulence as a grown-up. A grown-up with stoutness has a higher danger of creating coronary illness, type 2 diabetes, metabolic disorder, and numerous sorts of malignant growth

Related Conferences: Primary Care Conferences | Neonatology | Neonatal Medicine Conference| Pediatrics Conferences | Pediatrics Meetings


  • Track 7-1Birth weight
  • Track 7-2Nutrition Education
  • Track 7-3Infant Feeding

This study provides care to infants, children and adolescents at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS and provides diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases affecting joints, muscles and bones (e.g., arthritis, lupus, and Lyme disease). Allergic disease and immune deficiencies most often develop in the Pediatric population

Recommended Conferences: 17th International Conference on Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology March 09-10, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic; 19th World Congress on Clinical Pediatrics April 27-28, 2020, Prague, Czech Republic; 2nd International Conference on Pediatrics, Neonatology and Healthcare April 16-17, 2020 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 13th Annual Meet on Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Surgery May 13-14, 2020 Zagreb, Croatia; 32nd European Pediatrics Congress July 22-23, 2020 Florence, Italy; 2nd World Pediatrics Conference August 24-25, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic; 2nd World Neonatology and Child Care meeting September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic


  • Track 8-1Allergy, Asthma, Anaphylaxis
  • Track 8-2Primary Immune Deficiency
  • Track 8-3Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Track 8-4HIV Disease and AIDS

Endocrine issue can influence how your kid is developing and creating. They can likewise add to the improvement of diabetes. Regardless of whether it's impacting your pulse, the endocrine framework is significant. For youngsters, having an endocrine framework fit as a fiddle is imperative for future improvement. On the off chance that your young one is confronting Pediatric diabetes, a development issue or some other condition identified with hormones and the endocrine organs that produce them, you can depend on the master Pediatric endocrinologists

Related societies Europe: Czech Neonatal Society; European academy of Pediatric societies; International Society for Social Pediatrics & Child Health; National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists; Neonatal Nurses Association UK

  • Track 9-1Abnormal Pituitary
  • Track 9-2Adrenal Insufficiency
  • Track 9-3Diabetes Insipidus in Children
  • Track 9-4Hyperthyroidism / Hypothyroidism

A congenital disease, otherwise called as congenital disorder deformity, birth imperfection, or irregularity, is a condition existing at or before birth without any cause these disorders, which are described by structural deformities are termed as “Congenital Anomalies". Birth defects vary widely in signs and symptoms, mainly the substance which cause’s birth defect is known as teratogen. Few disorders can be detected before through perinatal Screening (diagnosis)

Birth defects might be the result of environmental or genetic factors. This incorporates errors of contamination, Morphogenesis, epigenetic adjustments on a parental germ line, or a chromosomal abnormality. The result of the disorder will rely upon complex interactions between the pre-natal shortfall and the post-natal condition.  Animal studies have demonstrated that paternal exposures before and amid pregnancy result in increased risk of certain birth defects and tumors.

Related conferences: Neonatology Congress | Pediatric Conferences | Neonatologists | Neonatal Medicine Conferences | Pediatric Care Events

  • Track 10-1Birth asphyxia
  • Track 10-2Intravenous (IV) Line and Tubes
  • Track 10-3Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Maternal medicinal consideration and treatment is of essential significance when it comes to conceiving and giving birth to healthy child. Therefore women looking forward to conceive should take proper care of their health and must and should they have to visit a Gynecologist from time to time. The term Infertility is applied to women who is unable conceive roughly within 12 months. There are different modern medical and innovative progressions which can cure infertility and other pregnancy related issues. So proper medical and nursing care is utmost important particularly in the initial stages of Maternity, Infants experiencing extreme sicknesses are treated at Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU)

Related societies Asia: Asia Pacific Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Society; International Association of Pediatric Dentistry; Asian Society for Pediatric research; Philippine Pediatric Society; International Association of Pediatric Dentistry.


  • Track 11-1Maternal and Child Care
  • Track 11-2Pediatric Nursing
  • Track 11-3Nutrition and Fluids in the NICU

A Pediatric surgeon is the word used for professionals in this field, develops the patient's best treatment plan, conducts pre-operative examinations and preparations, and screens the progress of the patient as part of post-operative care. Pediatric surgery is a surgical subspecialty that includes the surgery of embryos, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Whereas Pediatric surgery also comprises the patient's diagnosis, it is more involved in treatment, particularly surgical care. Pediatric surgery is divided into different kinds of expertise. Such as Pediatric surgical oncology, Pediatric cardiothoracic surgery, Pediatric neurosurgery, Pediatric urological surgery, Pediatric hepatological surgery, Pediatric orthopedic surgery, Pediatric vascular surgery, and Pediatric oncological surgery

Recommended Conferences: 17th International Conference on Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology March 09-10, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic; 19th World Congress on Clinical Pediatrics April 27-28, 2020, Prague, Czech Republic; 2nd International Conference on Pediatrics, Neonatology and Healthcare April 16-17, 2020 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 13th Annual Meet on Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Surgery May 13-14, 2020 Zagreb, Croatia; 32nd European Pediatrics Congress July 22-23, 2020 Florence, Italy; 2nd World Pediatrics Conference August 24-25, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic; 2nd World Neonatology and Child Care meeting September 07-08, 2020 Prague, Czech Republic

  • Track 12-1Fetal surgery
  • Track 12-2Vascular surgery
  • Track 12-3Trauma surgery
  • Track 12-4Eye surgery

Adolescent medicine is a medical subspecialty that is concerned with the patient care that are in the adolescent period of development. The development period ranges from the last years of elementary school until graduation from high school. Patients have generally entered puberty, which typically begins between the ages of 11 and 13 for boys and between 9 and 11 for girls


  • Track 13-1Adolescent Pregnancy
  • Track 13-2Emergency medicine
  • Track 13-3Adolescent Pathology
  • Track 13-4Adolescent Drug Addiction